Gulu Outreach
There are still vulnerable orphans living in dire conditions in the areas of the former IDP camps. This program provides food, medical aid, physical and spiritual nourishment, and school fees in community schools as funds allow. Since March 2020, our focus has included emergency aid in the form of food and sanitizers to VOH children/youth impacted by COVID-19 restrictions.
Guardian Angels
VOH intentionally ministers to the guardians who oversee VOH orphans during periodic school breaks when children are required to travel back to their districts of origin. These guardians, too, were wounded in body and spirit during the war and need healing and reconciliation. VOH provides support and training for them to become nurturing leaders and protectors of the orphans and other children in their care.
Tabitha Artisans
A self-sustaining program, Tabitha Artisans, ministers to women who endured violent rape and sexual servitude in captivity, then returned home with their rebel-fathered babies. Through the Tabitha Women’s Center microeconomics project, they learn artisan skills (basketweaving, sewing, paper bead making, soap making), receive business training, spiritual discipleship, and earn fair pay for the merchandise they make. The merchandise is then sold to support this program and VOH orphans.