Vanessa’s Story
My father didn’t like me because I was a girl. All I wanted to do was go to school, but he would not allow me. One day the LRA rebels came to our home. They told my father if he would give them money they would not take me. My father had the money, but he said, “she is worthless to me. Take her.”
I spent the next years with the rebels, where they forced me to do many terrible things (note - most girls are used as “wives” and are forced to be child soldiers within the first 2 weeks of abduction). Once I was able to escape from the rebel camps, I had nowhere to go and nothing to eat. I didn’t have money to go to school. I was very sad.
Village of Hope began to provide me with food and paid for me to go to school. In 2010 they brought me to the Village to live. They showed me to my new home called “Hope” and to my new room. I had a real bed to sleep in! I also met several girls my age who also lived in Hope. We became sisters. I was able to attend the Primary school and then I went on to Vocational school. I love school.
Village of Hope staff love me. I feel like I am worth something and for the first time in my life, I feel valued for being a girl. My two favorite things are dancing with all my friends and leading worship at church on Sunday.
I thank God for giving me the opportunity to go to school.
*Child’s name has been changed to protect her identity.