Becky Rios

After her church’s youth pastor visited Village of Hope in 2013, Becky Rios wrote letters for VOH orphans. Becky says, “When Charity wrote back, I was drawn to her and immediately began sponsoring her.  She started calling me her Mum.”  

When that youth pastor returned to VOH two years later, Becky joined her team. “That experience changed me forever,” Becky told us. "I met Charity and was able to hang out with her & her friends. I helped them with math, talked with them and got to know them. When I started sponsoring Charity she was in her second year of high school and now she starting University!  She is an amazing young woman, and I know she will move forward with her love of the Lord, and her determination to take care of family.”

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An Oregon school principal (now retired), Becky says, “One of the reasons I chose to sponsor a child with VOH is that I know ALL my donation goes directly to care for the kids.  It is rare to be part of an organization that gives so much to the people they serve.  I am humbled and proud to be part of such an organization.”

Becky has made several trips back to Village of Hope, working with school leaders & teachers. “When I was there last year,  I met Emmanuel, who is my new ‘son’.  He is absolutely amazing and I am looking forward to seeing him again as soon as I am able to return.”

In 2018, Becky joined the Village of Hope Board of Directors. “Supporting my kids, and supporting VOH in general, has truly changed my life, “she said. “ I'm eternally grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this organization and to help the children and families that we serve.”

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